Use of my designs indicates your acceptance of my terms of use, whether you've read them or not.
- All designs are © 1998 - 2001 Web Elegance. Provide a visible link on each page in which my designs are used to:
- Save all images to your own hard drive.
- My designs may not be redistributed or added to collections or archives.
- Do not alter my designs in ANY way. That includes colorizing, resizing, or using parts of them to create other graphics. The only exception is to add text to blank buttons and headers.
- Do not mix and match my designs. They are designed as "sets".
- You may use my linkware designs "as is" for your personal webpage. Commercial websites must purchase a license ( me for info). The graphics used on my pages are not to be downloaded.
- My linkware designs may NOT be used by individuals or web designers to develop a website for others, whether it's nonprofit or for financial gain.
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Graphics & Content © 1998 - 2001 Web Elegance.
Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
Thanks to The Hood for the tubes used in the creation of this design.